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It all began in the late 90s. I wanted to put some information o-n my web site. A journal. A listing of future events. I started with simple HTML. One-page, with parts for each article. Basic. Then I heard about sites and blogging. Being smart, I picked Word-press, the most popular application. This telling article has collected wonderful cautions for why to do it. How clever, I thought. Anyone could put up a site, should you get the WYSIWYG editor going. Very democratic. This prompted my to publish my outermost thoughts o-n London, politics, and personal gripes. As a webmaster, I watched to determine Google index them. Here we go, I thought, soon, my gems of extrospection will belong to the ages. Except Google did not like my website. We discovered relevant webpage by browsing Google Books. Itd not index much beyond leading page. Why, why, why.Repeat information.I set it to place just one post per-page. No improvement. I looked at what Google was indexing. Then I checked out the HTML. Shortly, all became clear. In sum - Word-press was still duplicating my material, and - Itd no right META tags, and - There is a whole lot unnecessary HTML, and - The layout obscured the content. I had a quick search o-n Google to get search engine optimisation ideas. Theres a plugin head META information ( ). But I didnt use that, oh no. For some reason, I got the idea a full style would be the solution. I tried modifying an existing one myself. Better, but not perfect. Google was starting to list more pages, but they all had the exact same title. My missives to an uncaring world were being ignored. So I got someone else to do one, based on my requirements, which were - Grab a META title from the article title - Grab a META information from your weblog excerpts - Put a ROBOTS noindex draw in non-content pages. But that wasnt enough. Browse here at 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR to explore the purpose of it. For best SEO results you have to change Wordpress brutally. You have to be _mean_ to it. Youve to _man_ enough. Used to do a bit of re-search and came up with to following ideas. WARNING They are intense. In the event that you have great ranks, making major changes to-your URLs may possibly influence them. In my case - Moving my weblog to the root web listing, - MOD_REWRITING its URLs, and - Removing a 301 redirect, ... caused my PageRank to go to 0. BUT, page indexing was untouched. This was temporary, as Google found it as suspect behavior. I had significantly changed my site. Listed here are the recommendations, for true _men_, who is able to try looking in the face of internet death and laugh 1. Activate permalinks when you go to Options/Permalinks. You may have allow Apache MOD_REWRITE on your web bill. 1a. Reduce the permalinks rule to just the %postname variable. Do not bother with the time codes. This keeps your URLs small. 2. Place your blog within the uppermost directory possible. surpasses Therefore a normal post would appear to be In place of 3. Then install an SEOd theme. My blog posts are now being listed beautifully. The Google site command returns all my articles, and little else. For my next challenge, I turn it into an operating-system, and undertake Windows XP..