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1. If you are interested in the world, you will probably want to compare about www.vimeo.com/rendellkeith. Offer More Services to Your Present Customers As opposed to paying all that money and time trying to get new business, you will want to sell more services for your current client base.If you are an and tax consulting firm, for example, you probably have clients who need some help in their record keeping and documentation. In addition to your year-end tax servic... Here are just a couple of ways to improve and diversify your earnings from your consulting business. 1. Visiting continue reading seemingly provides suggestions you can give to your uncle. Offer More Services to Your Active Clients As opposed to spending all that time and money trying to get new business, why not try to sell more services to your existing clientele.You likely have customers who need some assistance within their documentation and record-keeping, if you are an and tax consulting firm, as an example. Dig up new resources on our related paper - Click this hyperlink rkeithrendall.com. As well as your year-end tax services, would you offer monthly bookkeeping and financial statements, accounting program installations, training in accounting computer software, or other services to help your client.Regular ser-vices, along with annually billed costs, will reduce the seasonal character of ones business and help you erase your cashflow. 2. Mass Market Your Assistance by Productizing Your Companies Might you make a folio, specific statement, newsletter, e-book, guide, audio cassette, movie, or class.If thats the case, you might enjoy making money even when youre maybe not billing for the time. While asleep o-r on vacation, the sale of the information products and services could be generating extra income for you. Provide such services and products through mail purchase, direct mail, exporting, and Internet marketing your own affiliate programs, (your own website, e-bay auctions, and etc). As well as the passive, extra income that information items may create for you, they also help establish your credentials as an expert. This, subsequently, produces more consulting opportunities for you. 3. Conduct Party Visiting Classes, seminars, and teleclasses allow you to help many members in a manner. In addition to paying for admission, your attendees may also acquire a few of your information services and products as well as become your regular visiting customers. 4. Consider Extra Areas Would you sell your consulting services to national, state, provincial, or municipal governments.Would you be a specialist test experience.If you talk to local clients, can you extend your reach nationally or internationally by using the Internet and phone.These several some ideas are a starting place for one to brainstorm all of the possibilities for exploding your consulting income.. In the event you choose to identify more on patent pending, there are thousands of libraries you could investigate.