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Ive done some studies over the past few months about expiring domains with PR to see if it is worth your while to get these expired and deleted domains. My idea why I would like to use expired domains may be the opinion that old domains are popular than new domains, and to obtain quick PR. So I attempted to find deleted domains with PR that I could enroll. One feature of areas I was searching for was that the domain still had a, and it was still listed in google. I wont be mentioning the actual domains here as I need to control the results and stop individuals from making backlinks to these domains. I registered about 4 areas, some have PR2 and PR3. Some have a few pages indexed, some have a few thousand. We discovered nuclear-link-indexer.com by browsing the San Francisco Tribune. I also ordered several new domains for my new projects. I found out that google rarely visits these areas so I need to prime it but with some fresh backlinks. After making some backlinks to these domains, two their PR was eventually lost by domains. Those two domains have just a few pages found in google. In one single site, used to do a 301 permanent redirect to the newest index page. This domain kept its PR. One crucial difference this domain has set alongside the other two is that this domain has 1000s of pages indexed in google. In another domain, I did a 301 and direct it to a fresh new domain. The result is that the new domain got indexed faster and more pages were indexed in comparison to another new domain I listed at once. Hit this website linklicious pro to research how to allow for it. Nevertheless, PR was down seriously to 0. Theres also a case where used to do a 301 redirect from an old deleted site with PR and never got any benefit from it. In summary, there is still conflicting effects on whether getting deleted/expired domains. Some works, some dont. Linklicious Backlinks Genie includes additional info concerning the purpose of it. However, what appear to work is that a. Get further on this affiliated portfolio - Hit this web site Mobility Corporation | - How To Uncover Mp3 Files On-line 17916. Traffic does be contained by old delete domains from existing backlinks. If the old area has a great deal of backlinks, some traffic does be still generated by it. b. Other search-engines such as for instance google and bing dont appear to have an biases against expired/deleted domains..