4 Tips About Stock Market Investments You Can t Afford To Miss

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What does your retirement picture appear like? Are you going to benefit from the good life or are you going to sweat and toil so long that you'll run yourself into the grave? Too many people are operating their bodies to the bone and also are always worrying should they will be able to put bread on the table, in place of creating multi-generational wealth.

The old fashioned training we received is "a penny saved is a penny earned." Last time I checked a penny will not buy you squat! Heck, it's hard to find much to buy under a dollar. Nevertheless, an untapped resource is causing a movement of successful investors to locate ways to turn those pennies into jackpots!

Some of the very best stock market investing advice you can get will come from those people who have been there and done that.

Among the most successful investors of all times is legendary investor of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffet. Mr. Buffett "Diversification is for the ignorant."

You are taught all of the time by main street "gurus" that diversification will be the key. Most individuals invest their cash in a mutual fund (a very diversified way of investing) and are pleased to make 10% each year. At that rate it will take over seven years just to double your hard earned money!

Diversification will DILUTE your wages (as well as your risks). I like to make 100% in 1 year and to do you could not diversify. As being an example, I have a trading strategy I use where I invest in only one stock for seven days. I then take all my webpage funds and roll it over in to the next weeks stock pick. At all times I'm in just one stock and I compound my money 52 times annually. I am currently up 59%, as the DOW (a diversification of 30 big blue chip stocks) is only up 10%. That should show you how diversification reduces returns.

The reason a lot of people diversify is because they do not study their stocks and they want some protection in the event they may be wrong. Which is a terrible way to invest. You must not be investing in a stock unless you are 100% sure it is going to go the way you predict. Should you have any doubts, you should pass on the stock. You can find different ways to protect from losses that don't require diversification.

It used to be easy to believe that if you save every penny and grow it to have more than $500,000 in investments; you might be able to live comfortably. Not any more. All successful investors know that they should have multiple streams of income and investments in a diversified portfolio to match the rising living costs.

While we may not focus on it until it's too late, planning for retirement takes expert advice, not guess work. The specialists use an automated system that takes the guess work out of picking your investments.