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Victoria wearing her work clothes

personal data

name: Victoria Pilar

sur name: García Lopez Varys

age: about 15-16 years old

House: non

Loyalty with: Lord Varys

Relatives: Lord Varys

  • Adoptive father.

Flor Cremades,Marta[1]

  • Close Friend

Home: She was born at the kingdom of the valley, but It`s been said, she rather die than going back there

Job: mercenary, she also take care of her father's "Little birds"

Hobbies: Killing stupid people and hanging aut with her friend to ship gay people.


Siete Reinos pre Guerra de la Conquista.png

Victoria Pilar García López was born at the seven kindoms, about 13 years after the great war, so she is about 16 years ol . Adopted child of Lord Varys, she was founded at the kingdom of the valey, seldom is known about her before that. She started to be known by king's Robert death time. She went with him to the hunting as part of his gardia, she killed the pig wich mourdered the King. She have a great relationship